Seeds Wild AI

Revolutionizing the Future of Agriculture and Gardening with AI

Why to Use Seedswild

Revolutionize Your Gardening with Smart, AI-Driven Solutions

Smart Recommendations
Cultivation Insights
Real-Time Alerts
Generative AI
Your Ultimate Gardening Companion

Revolutionizing Gardening with AI


 Smart Recommendations

Maximize your garden's potential with personalized seed suggestions. Our advanced AI analyzes local climate data to recommend the best seeds for your specific location and season, ensuring a flourishing garden year-round.

- How we know what's best for your location.

How we Locate?
Seeds Wild automatically detects your live location.

Why Location Matters?
Your coordinates are shared with trusted weather platforms.

Data We Gather?
Comprehensive details about your location’s weather, climate, season, and history.

Processing the Data
Our AI meticulously processes this information.

Based on the analysis, our AI suggests the ideal seeds for your unique environment.

 Cultivation Insights

Take the guesswork out of gardening with expert cultivation advice for each seed. From planting tips to soil requirements and growth stages, our AI guides you through every step, empowering you to grow healthier plants with ease.


 Real-Time Weather Alerts

Stay ahead of the weather with real-time alerts for heatwaves, windstorms, and heavy rain. Our AI continuously monitors weather patterns, ensuring your garden is protected from adverse conditions, keeping your plants safe and thriving.

- How Seeds wild Protects your plants

Heat Alert

Wind Alert

Rain Alert



 Your Essential Gardening Companion

Transform your gardening experience with our intelligent app. Get tailored advice for each seed, from planting techniques to optimal soil conditions. Our AI guides you step by step, ensuring your plants thrive effortlessly.

- Personalized gardening assistant
- Seamless location detection
- Real-time weather insights
- Intelligent seed recommendations
- Customized cultivation guidance
- Proactive protection alerts
- Integrated marketplace
- Advanced AI technology
What's more

Live weather on your plants co-ordinates


Seeds wild aims to transform your gardening experience to next level

Plant Identification

Disease Detection

Medical Use

Generative AI

Virtual Garden

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